– Objects in mirror may be further than they appear.
There’s this mirror, permanently installed. It sits behind the swirls of dust which float around. All those little pieces from each shattered moment he wishes he could have saved, but simply managed to scoop up a handful of what now has become dust. Initially, the dust wasn’t dust. It still held a bit of sparkle, a bit of shine, a little bit of the magic of the moment, right before the shattering point. Now, it’s dust, but sometimes as it swirls in the small dark space, and when there’s a lost ray of hope-sometimes it seeps through, from in between the retina and the pupil to create a little bit of glittering in the dust filled chamber, where behind the dust’s space, the mirror sits. The mirror has that odd effect. It’s like the effect of the morning light, the way it creates halos and makes things look a little softer, a little sweeter and keeps you focusing on that effect, rather than on the objects themselves. That’s its function, or the way it works, especially when the flash of light has crept in. It fills the swirling dust with an enchantment which can often throw off equilibrium.
Lately, more light has been creeping in, as the dust swirls. Beautiful possibilities have been reflected in the mirror. Equilibrium has been thrown off all too often. This is evident, even in the small dust space, by the now skewed mirror. It used to sit squarely, behind the dust space. Now, it slants to the right, right where the corner is chipped. This is also due to the loss of equilibrium. There’s something alluring about the dust, the effect of the mirror, of course, but more the light that’s been creeping in. There’s something irresistible. The mirror sometimes seems to work like a holographic image screen. It makes things seems as if they are manifesting, could manifest, even though the dust comes from a collection of handfuls of moments and not entire moments, the reflection in the mirror often aren’t complete. Like the one which swirls up from time to time, they danced without music, in the dark, in the parking lot of a theme park. The reflection in the mirror doesn’t identify the place or time, sometimes, he’s not even in the reflection, just her dancing. Some times its worse, with the dust and the reflection. Sometimes, like with the recurring swirl at night. The only thing in the reflection will be his eyes, like a photograph of what one looks like when they look in the rearview. The thing though, they blink, and each time, the reflection seems less clear and like little particles are slowly dissolving with each appearance in the mirror. It’s to the point now, where the reflection seems to indicate a future and not a past, in which he’s older and the color in the eyes has faded, and the skin around the eyes is dry and cracked. This, though less seductive, also unbalances equilibrium.
The most recent months, there have been new handfuls of dust coming into the dust space. These, even initially, are less brilliant, they’re more faded. They resemble more the broken reflections in the mirror, which have been swirling into presence of recent also, of headlights on a long drive at night and his hand hold a feminine hand attached to nothing more than an ash white arm. Something out of David Lynch perhaps. But the silver grain space is elsewhere and behind it there is no mirror, only a projector, which allows the swirling silver grains all the light they need. These handfuls of dust, which have been coming in lately, they’re more mundane, though they’re a bit more heavy with anxiety. Sometimes this dust swirls up and reflects in the mirror what could be a montage, if this were in the silver grain space. Flowing hair, a profile, a silhouette. Sometimes this new dust will mix with the old dust and swirl up in the space before the mirror. The reflection will be something Picasso might’ve experimented with before moving to cubism. The feminine eyes will not match, a difference of color. There’ll be a conflict between the eyes and the nose. The loss of equilibrium from these reflections has caused the mirror to sag a little bit further to the right. The eyes which reflected previously, have been replaced. Now there are eyes which are staring in a rearview mirror, though these are not as dry and cracked, but they are a little more wrinkled. The color in them is not faded, but the look is more lost.
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