-The rain cascades against the window and I sit there with an unfocused attention. I hear the car doors slammed into the shiny plastic bodies, glistening in the garage light bouncing on drops of water falling on the new paint. The squeaking of the garage door as another octane fueled beast slides through the slicked streets, home.
Two days ago, in a conversation, a chorus appeared. It stood out as if it meant something. And who is it? The rest of the song works well, but it’s that line that hooks you in. “Nail in my hand, from my creator, you gave me life, now show me how to live.” That night the words sounded in mind over and over like some eternal script…and I thought of some creator, as I thought of Audioslave, the song’s creator.
Today it was confirmed that Audioslave is indeed the creator of that creator song. The surprise was, the two versions of the song. The second and less poignant, “I said hey, hey, as near as I could figure, you gave me life now show me how to live.” It displaces the audience, who is he talking to? Where as the first is more visceral, and brings to mind the imagery of the cross and the bible somehow, which is not to say that I succumb to the masses who adorn their homes in religious iconography. There is however, something definitely visceral and human about the thorn on the side that Paul talks about and the frailty that is exhibited on the cross with nails through the metacarpals-it wasn’t the hands you guys, it was the wrist. Eventhough Chris always keeps the burden in the hand, as if there’s something we could do about it. With the nail through the hand, the chorus calls to all this imagery, not the religious connotation that is attached, but rather the human iconographic image of suffering through life or with life, perhaps both.
Depleted of energy, though I haven’t done much, I lay on my bed as the slow falling rain water condenses. We talked to someone at the school in Dae Jeon, yeah okay. She kept talking interjecting with what in her mind were discourse markers, but really came off as ill placed and condescending. It was quite humorous. But the conclusion is that they will not spring for a two bedroom because they already have a single, so they want to spring for two singles. This led me to thinking about something Nietzche said, something I read. “To live alone, you must be either a god or an animal, or both, a philosopher.” Do you think by saying this he was referring to living alone as in having your own apartment in the city or more in the Walden Pond sense (not so much how he lived, but how he spoke of living)? Regardless, I am neither a god nor an animal (unless you get into semantics and yes, I am a mammal), and these days it feels like I’ve never been a philosopher, though once I fancied myself such.
I close my eyes and the script resounds in my mind again,”…you gave me life, now show me how to live.”

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