I hold you close, my skin against yours

or our skin against the fabric of clothes

pressed between us, collapsing space;

as I do, I wish we could collapse time,

reach back the way only memory can,

dust off and revise those moments long past

when possibility remain unmitigated by time,

when our paths should have first crossed.

I hold you close, now, in stolen moments,

as the days progress, as the narratives,

those we set in motion in that space between

here and those long past breaths of childhood,

continue unfolding their present path;

I hold you close because there’s the sense

that time was stolen from us for so long,

and what remains may not stretch as far.

I hold you close, pulling you in because

it is the echo of your heart I feel beating

in the chambers of mine, it is the breath

of your breath that most reminds me

of that space before heart beats,

before time became finite and measured,

where there was no need to pull you in

because there was no closer we could be.

I hold you close, because I am drawn to you

with every bit of what I am, the way that

every molecule in the ocean responds to the moon;

I hold you because you have always been

the reason my heart beats, the song which

I so longed to hear, as our souls return

to the reverberation we had once known,

and I hold you close…

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