-Daejeon it is. The contract came today. Well, not straight to me. I did receive an e-mail with some sort of attachment, but it was in Korean…I don’t read Korean. We went down to the recruiting office and confirmed what the vacation periods were, signed the contracts and they were off, Fed Exed to the other side of the world. In about twenty days or so, we’ll be off to the other side of the world. So now comes the part where I become busy, packing away my things here, getting vaccinated and making all last preparations. So this may very well be my last week as a substitute. Not bad at all, this happens to be one of the easist weeks I’ve had in the Pasadena Unified.
I was reading about runaway productions today and the campaign against Cold Mountain. I wonder if I’ll see any on location filming in Daejeon, I mean ofcourse, American productions which are so common here. If I don’t, will I miss seeing the big trucks and the dozens of people just standing around? A year away. It’s interesting, the feeling that permeates now. I never went off to any summer camps or semesters abroad, I never really travelled much, except for that one summer vacation to Cancun and Merida, so I’m setting myself up for a completely different experience. And it’s really quite interesting, to think of how my parents came to this country so that I wouldn’t have to go through that struggle, and here I am expatriating for a year, not a struggle but possibly an adventure. I never had those types of adventures as a child. I think I missed them. Even now sometimes I’ll choose the path of most resistence in certain things to try and live the adventures I missed as a kid.
Perhaps, that is part of the impetus to being a filmmaker, to live in the imagination. Time is the only one to tell if this will actually add to the burning flame inside my filmmakers heart. I suspect it will.


1 thought on “Contract”

  1. Not many kids have extravagant adventures of traveling or summer camp (I sure never go the chance). The first trip I took on my own was to Chicago (and that only happened a bit over a month ago) and even then I had an online friend there to take me in and show me around so I wasn’t completely and utterly alone. The next adventure will be a trip to Japan (yet again I have set it up so that I would know at least one person there).
    Living in your imagination…I think I sometimes prefer it, myself. I idolize the ME in the many stories conjured up in my mind — She’s wicked awesome. Usually our minds can do better than anything that can be shown to us anyway…Why do people keep insisting reading the book is better than watching the movie about the book? We can do better than that (although I must admit that lately some filmmakers are definitely meeting my expectations of films based on books).
    Once again I have invaded your space and now I go.

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