-Someimes you have too much caffeine and you find yourself staring into space as you have a conversation. You hear everything, but you’re not there. That was today, somewhat zen-like I guess. “I’m not even here”
I spoke with a manager about directing a music video for the band he represents, but that venture seems so distant and from hearing him speak and look at us, my production partner and I, even more so.
We spoke about various projects-my friend and I-and walked around USC I don’t think I’ll ever feel home on any other campus. It seems as if we yearn for time to stop so that we can gather ourselves and once more, take hold of our dreams, boldly, as we once did. Or maybe, we’re just waiting for that Big Fish before we cast our lines.
I think the question, is not whether or not to flee, but when. If where ever you go, there you are, then where ever we go, there we will be filmmakers. I firmly believe that away from here, we could focus more on creating DV worlds and return with more work than we’ve done in all the time we’ve been here. The sad part is, I don’t now if the same is true if only one goes.
The caffeine has worn off, and I feel I’ve lost coherency.

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