–Disappear here. Disappear here.The words wail through
my mind, echoing in the corners of consciousness. These words,
the invocation that keeps the possibility of
the magic door,latent but here. These words
that fell from a billboard over Sunset, on a
sun drenched afternoon. Cascading on a dried canvas
in my mind; seldom used. Creating images of
asian countries and liminal states of existence.
The tiny peephole to the fantasies of escape.
The frustrated wanderings of mind, seeking
escapism; to disappear. Seeking that door,
the peephole’s whole, the one through which
one can walk, leaving behind the self that
manifests here; hoping the self that manifests
there is closer to free, unfettered by reality,
closer to purpose and perhaps, fate’s destiny.
This magic door which changes self and
present actuality.
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