The six hundred thread sheets, purchased for our wedding made great ghosts in Fall
The six hundred thread sheets, purchased for our wedding made great ghosts in Fall
The B.M.W. emblem decorates so well, the hood left on the lawn
The wedding ring rests so well on mahogany, And so, rest in peace
Broken stained-glass bleeds the human of the divine The spirit watches
Smoke swirls like crows, fills the space between light and us Truth still unexposed
The frozen silence another silhouette of what once was love
-How much of life is dream, how much of life is verifiable? If life is not what we remember but what we recreate…is there a single moment that can be held onto? Everything is fleeting in the moment it is lived…leaving nothing in the moment after when we attempt to recreate. Dust constantly swirling is all we are; what we live, the brief posturing of sand castles before the continued blowing of the wind.
–In the middle of a restless night, the moonlight crashing; on, through, dissipating in – the window’s pane, the glass, into the moments of the past. The wrestling of the body the mind writhing in attempts to extricate and mount all memories remaining of moments exposed ———-now displaced. The etchings, now time worn vaguely recollect life, some times a lifetime, some times simply brief breaths held so long nothing remained but laughter. In the night’s breeze, in its debris what remains tumbles about, reminding etchings of origins and whispering of a possibility that has long been spent.
–I am not God The breath inside of me is closer than I could ever be to grace- it is closer to the essence of creation than what I perceive myself to be daily The wind dances across the world an act of worship and of life as I sit and watch and worry about the too many things, everything, the quotidian A misunderstanding of my understanding of God, the being I am not, […]
-…as a yellow-tinted sliver streaks across the fallen day shedding ashes of light on the edge of dimensions the layers ripple, a wave of consciousness breaking apart – as celestial bodies drawn to a common rock splinter into jagged fragments that never reconcile, yet remain stranded in the solitude of proximity, the weight of each an argument toward existence shaped around distinct edges and position- so consciousness agrees, while we argue vehemently the subtleties of edges, the difference between you & me