Fragile Angel
Like silk woven around chambers of the heartIt is so easily torn
Like silk woven around chambers of the heartIt is so easily torn
-The image of you I harbor, is not the you I have yet to meet, or the you I’ve already seen in a faded photograph it is an image constructed of your words the ideas that hold them in place the ideas which created the ideas which you express it is an idea sewn together by words sewn onto an idea I had previously which had little to do with you but everything to do with an image So the image I have of you is less your image and more ideas and words which fit previous daydreams about ideas […]
Shivering like burdened unhealed skin The fragile angel.
-With you once, perhaps more, the rhetorical figure relaxed leaving only the literal to be understood, and I did understand. If two bodies can come together and be one, in those moments, free of the rhetorical figure, there was no division between us. Every other time it was you, me, and the bed, divisible by three. In the presence of rhetoric, everything becomes divisible.
-Blue-green sifting tides, as sediment disperses and the great island is lessened. A man, feet burrowed deep, in sandas his fist tightens holding to. The breeze alights, as the sand shifts and escapes, and time passes. The morning light fades, the man stands empty handed, and bends again. Squinting eyes, he watches the world on sojourn, imagines the photograph he mightattempt, to stop time. With each blink of eyes, it iserased and replaced. A successive erosion of timeand space, and footprints. His face turns, giving in to gravity;his thoughts on his child. So many moments, he could never keep them […]
-The fatigued fist unclenches like grains of sand, time defies constrainment a lifetime gone, a lifetime left listen to the laughter, taste the tears …live
A path of footprints salt water crashes, heavy– nothing remains
Smoke swirls at dusk steps ascending to somewhere– Darkness envelops
– I’m starting to believe that nothing is real. The very words on this page, simply the impression of something which cannot be passed on, handed off, or exchanged-what is left are the signifiers which lead you down a path which is similar to but not quite the one which led to their creation. I could be wrong. They could lead you down a completely different path from which you simply judge the validity and authenticity of these words and what created them, having no parallel reference point yourself, you can become distanced and eschew any value you might have […]