Sophomoric Flutter

Sophomoric, I know, But I want to say that in the trajectory of my existence, though I’ve met a million women with the name you bear, it is because of you there is affinity…and so every time I hear it, I take pause, brief as it may be, to remember you, and wonder why your name should be given to anyone other than you, it is you after all who takes it to its greatest meaning and makes it truly mean and this is your name, that to which Stein spoke when she wrote, “Rose is a rose is a […]

Time’s Punctuation

-The last act: a winter’s solstice, as time stills in frigid night,   the measures of life, lifetimes and units we construct memory on   approach an end, another beginning, another punctuation, along with graying,   the tree’s month-long residence leaves needles on the carpet,   the loss of occupants, under its branches, leaves the tree all the more ashamed.  


–I grew up there… Where? There, that placeyou could no longer see It used to be thereJust ‘there’Before it changedBefore ‘there’ requiredthe modifiers‘used to be’

A Small Miracle

-Had you’ve had a voice you would have screamed you would have cried you would have mimicked every muffled sound you’d ever heard attempting to make your presence known, calling attention to you. You did none of these, you kicked, when you needed space you kicked, when you awoke you kicked, before drifting back into dreams and slumber You kicked for months becoming, with each kick, more comfortable in your space, in your world, in the safety of the way it yielded to your movement and allayed the possibility of yearning, so that you were in each moment soothed Space […]


-Experience is threefold, the moment before the moment- when we build expectation, the moment as we live it and think ahead to when we will think back on it, and the moment long after as we dust it off and take only what we want.


-Enter the space of my awareness become born again– an entity similar to your embodiment yet never complete in my imagining as you become filtered through  the different layers of me  you become born of yearning and absence–

Note of Attribute

–Amidst the clatter of the waves crashingthe seagulls squawk echoing, andthe breeze colliding with earth and skyas the clouds acted as buffer to the sun;in that dim moment, standing, facing south,so far from the space of my own existence,it dawned on me-an epiphany, as you enteredmy thoughts for the second time that day earlier, before the raindrops were driedin the breeze, as the dark of night clungto the day like a small child, I found myselfin the midst of a conversation, one thathad absolutely nothing to do with you, and yetas I interjected into that conversation, whichcouldn’t have been further […]