-Paper mache and the sky is falling. Large wet globs of the once hardened substance. It’s what’s killing the polar bears. Contrary to the theory of the melting ice caps and their drowning, it’s these vertiginous globs, falling from the heights of the ozone, crashing on their heads. Nothing can swim while unconscious, least not polar bears. This is also what’s responsible for the incremental rise of ocean tides, as well as the slowing of the Gulf Stream and the desalting of the sea.
It’s a matter of the underlying design of everything, the core of the rock on which we live, the polarities which bring the waxing and waning of the lights in the sky, the gibbous reflections of sulfur balls poking holes of light through the felt-like backdrop of our solar system. A patchwork sky knitted quickly and left to dry on the seventh day. Before the misstep of some greater being everything was still and we were free, but the falling weight of the divine created chasms and set this rock spinning and enchained all living to this earth.
Free will without boundlessness creates a devastating anxiety, the kind of anxiety which leads to obsession. A self obsessed consumption of everything in our paths. This is what has lead to the unthreading of the patchwork paper mache sky and the falling clumps and over ripe summers and heavily stirred storms. This is what has brought snow to the desert and sun bathing sulfur rays to the polar caps, where, if someone had taught them, the polar bears would sit out and get a tan instead of drown.

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