-The past night as well as this day, bring me a certain peace about my voyage. There’s a calmness permeating my thought these last moments as I pack my bags, my belongings, the me that is crossing six thousand miles to foreign land. I don’t question the impetus of my leaving. It is not fleeing. I’ve convinced myself/come to the conclusion that I am attempting to open my eyes. Perspective. I am packing my shuttle case, my cameras, and all my jeans-I think this is closer to me than the work clothes I also take, khakis and chinos as well as button shirts.
As I sit in the dentist chair, I feel I am going to where I need to go, or possibly not where I need to go but that I need to go. I am settling into my decision, it is done and at this point there is no turning back. As I have coffee with friends for the last time, and watch my friends carry off my dvd’s for safe storage while I am gone, I feel like all is well and I start to settle for my decision.

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