-I’m packing, I’m spending lots of time at the dentist, and trying to say goodbye to those I know as well as those I will not see in what seems an indeterminate amount of time. My suitcases fill and get rearanged. I’m trying to take with me, the twenty pound transformer I bought here, so that my computer will not blow up there. It is the cause of all the rearranging taking place in that small space between my cases. I squeeze in my blanket, I’ve heard it’ll be cold there. I’ve been trying to finish packing. I want to be done, in order to enjoy my final moments in LA…I’ve known no other place. I spent a month in San Francisco. It was cold and it never felt like home. I returned because I could not stay there any longer, plus there was nothing left for me to do once things didn’t work out for me with school up there. I wonder what this will be. What am I to expect? Am I ready to leave my home for a year? These questions run through the back of my mind as my time dwindles and disappears into my suitcases and the pool table pockets at the Bourgeouis Pig.
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