-In the dark as eyelids flicker, there’s a scent in the air. This scent is quite familiar, but it feels like a stranger. Disconcerting, it is, this scent. It is the scent of peace, and how troubling it is to contemplate here. There is no peace in the rage of the rhinoceros, there is no peace but only pieces as it unleashes itself in the city of crystal. And this, this is precisely what jitters; what breaks the steady resistance to loss of control; nerves and hands alike lose the accumulated strength and start tapping, even as the scent of peace seeps into the chambers of breath, his breath.
The thought begins anew. How do people perceive the jittering, the shaking, the rage of the rhinoceros crashing through yet another, porcelain tea-set for two? Getting up, the footsteps fall, surprisingly steady. There is no shake in the gait, there is no jittering or trembling in the limbering forward as shoes remain stuck to a single spot, before they are suaded to hover and fall anew. A half laugh, half breath escapes. The sweet scent of peace, incongruous with the human heart, escapes quick through the nostrils.
Before the mirror as the light comes on in the small room. Three strobes and the greenish blue light achieves ignition. The reflection does not quite resemble the rider on the raging beast. It is impressively steady, the reflection. Hands seem calm, it is the fingers which jitter, motion waves. The eyes are connected to their
reflecting self, a string of recognition, a recognition of self perhaps, or simply of life in an organism. Steady, the eyes, their gaze. There is however, a twitch. Not persistent, but noticeable at its arrival. Automatic; resisting control. The more it enters awareness, the more consistent its itch and its presence.
This body, reflecting, breathes. Eyes drop, closed. As the crystal shatters in the mind and the fingers tingle jittery, the eye continues twitching, the body continues breathing, trying to focus in a world that is spinning, spinning wildly. That is what brings the lack of steadiness and stability.

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